STBC Owasco Ride - August 1, 2011

STBC Owasco Ride - August 1, 2011
(Coordinated by Steve Bruno - Thanks Steve!)

Photos by Tim Hanna


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Trip Report by our trip coordinator, Steve Bruno ...

Monday August 1, No Work Day, Temps were Tapping 90 and the Sky was clear Blue, laced with a few Clouds. It was a Shinning day, so Fritz, Barb, Deb, Sally, Lynn, Hennie, Alana & Steve, Ann, Judy, Jim, Rob, Suzanne & Robert, Tim, Scott, Sam, Augie, Dick, Neilson, and I met at Fillmore Glen State Park

At 9 am we were Cracking up the West Side of Owasco Lake.

After hitting the north tip of the lake, we Wandered to Emerson Park.

Which led to the crossover to the Quaint small Town of Skaneateles on its Lake for a Enchanting Break which included, picnic & shopping. (No Names)

After heading back down the West side of Skinny for a Clip, we Hooked onto “the all new Route” to avoid getting Lost.  It was beautiful and everybody was having the greatest time as we refueled a few bottles in the town of Owasco.,_New_York

It was all so perfect; we were all Singing our Songs. And then it happened, we hit the Dirt, Gravel to make it worst, for a Mile to make it even Horrifying.  Smiles turned to Sneers, my name turn to ‘#%@$’! So praying to God for help, during the longest 15 minutes of my Life, He then, delivered Peace. For there were no incidents as the Ride returned to Silk, which saved us from the Other and turned gratefully onto the East Bank of Owasco, heading Home for the rest of the Odyssey.

Home was back at Fillmore, where Swimming & Refreshments, concluded the Day.

Pics Posted at

1 Flat (not on the rough) - No Wrecks – No Work – Sorry for the Wild Mile ... Steve


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